Phrasing Glossary

Attack:                       The offensive action which starts with a straightening of the arm and which can gain priority.


Beat:                           A preparation of attack made by a brisk, detached impact on the opponent's blade.  It gains priority for an attack which follows immediately and which is usually phrased as a "beat-attack".  It can also be used as a parry, known as a "parry by beat".


Continuation of the attack:  Also called "Renewals of the Attack".  These are offensive actions which immediately follow an attack.  They do not have the priority of the attack.


Counter-attack:         An attack made into the opponent's prior attack.  By definition it cannot have priority over that attack.


Counter-parry:          The parry which stops the riposte. The riposte which follows it is called a counter-riposte.  If the exchange continues then the counter-parries and ripostes are numbered.  However, all are simply parries and ripostes and may be phrased as such by the president.


Line or Point-in-Line:           The position with the arm extended and the point, wrist, elbow and shoulder all in a straight line pointing at valid target.


Mal-parry:                 A parry which fails to stop the attack, i.e. the attack hits before the parry is complete, or the parry does not completely deflect the attack from the target.


No:      Used to describe an attack or riposte which has failed to hit.


Parry:                         A defensive action where the blade is used to deflect the opponent's attacking blade, ending the attack.


Pris-de-fer:                 Also called "Taking the blade".  A preparation of attack made by a continued contact with the opponent's blade, controlling it.  It gains priority for an attack made immediately afterwards.


Remise, Reprise, Redouble: These are all renewals of the attack.  The difference between them is technical, but all are the same in terms of priority.  Many presidents legitimately do not bother to distinguish them when phrasing, or indeed to phrase any renewal of the attack, simply describing them all as new attacks. The difference between them is more of interest now to coaches who are describing to a student the actions the student is making, or that the coach wishes the student to make.


            Riposte:                   The attack made by a fencer immediately after successfully parrying the opponent's        attack.